Go For Vet In Erasmus+

The project involves five partners working together to strengthen the potential of VET providers to implement vocational international traineeships under Erasmus + (2021-2027). 

The partnership will achieve this by developing and implementing new learning agreement programmes for four professions; as well as development of recommendations and good practices in the field of inclusion of students with disability into international vocational mobility projects under the Erasmus+ programme.

First Transnational Meeting - Poland - June 2023

On June 27-29, 2023, a study visit was held as part of the Go for VET in Erasmus+ project. The visit was prepared by the Zespół Szkół Ponadpodstawowych No 1 in Krotoszyn and Centrum Dobre Kadry. Project Partners from Cyprus, Finland and Greece took part in the visit. During the visit, there were discussions on the content of a model internship programme and a guide on accessibility for people with a disability. Guests had the opportunity to take part in meetings with vocational teachers and employers employing people with disability. They also participated in training on the characteristics of various types of disability. On the last day of the visit, the meeting took place in Krotoszyn, at the headquarters of ZSP 1, where, the group met the teaching staff and students of the various fields of study. 

Second Transnational Meeting - Larnaka - October 2023

Larnaka Tourism Board hosted the partners of the Go For Vet in Erasmus+ project of the Erasmus+ programme during the first week of October for the second transnational face-to-face meeting.

The meet involved various site visits with experts at hotels and educational institutions to learn about the culture of internships within the tourism industry - with an emphasis on vocational internships for persons with a disability.

Discussions were also held regarding the employment prospects for persons with a disability as part of desk research that will contribute to the creation of best practise learning agreements for VET mobilities within four sectors (tourism and hospitality, photography and multimedia, logistics and veterinary).

During the meeting the next steps for the Learning Agreements were outlined, and the website for the project was presented, among other presentations and allocation of tasks.

Third Transnational Meeting - Finland - January 2024

The third face-to-face meeting was held in Finland, 23-25 January, hosted by partner Ankkapurha Culture Foundation/ Anjala Youth Center.

During the meeting dates, the partners visited Café Kiipula; a restaurant that is run by students with special needs /disabilities and is part of vocational studies of restaurant catering in the region, as well as Edukovocational school, Multicultural center Saaga, Kouvola Youth Services, Youth House “NuPa” and Parik foundation, where they enjoyed dialogue and discussion on the organisation structures, philosophies and their culture of internship and hiring, with an emphasis on persons with disability.

An office conference was also held to discuss the progress of the project and its aims, as well as the next steps and responsibilities of each partner. Included in this was the Learning Agreements and the Desk Research, building upon what was presented in Cyprus in October 2023.

Fourth Transnational Meeting - Greece - April 2024

The fourth transnational meeting in Athens, Greece took place on April 9-11 and involved local site visits relating to the profile of Logistics Technician as well as tourism. The partners also discussed the project deliverables and next steps. 

The agenda included: a visit of the logistics company Goldair Handling at the International Airport of Athens; a meeting with the HR manager of Sofitel Airport to discuss student’s industrial placements; a visit to ‘IEK ALFA’ for a presentation of its activities and student internships in touristic and other companies and a meeting with the administration of IEK ALFA; a visit to Capital Hotel (five-star) for a presentation of the international hotel chain and student internships at the hotel, including that of Erasmus students.

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